Double manual organ
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dual manual keyboard
Organs, Pianos, E Pianos, Clavs & More3 Sets of Drawbars for Manuals and PedalUser-Voiceable Tonewheels, Leslie EffectVX, Farf, and Pipe Organs The Hammond Nord C2D 61-Key Dual Manual Combo Portable Organ : Musical Instruments. B3 tone wheel organ simulations plus Farfisa and Vox transistor organ Powered by Crumar's acclaimed tonewheel emulation, Mojo Classic is the ultimate portable clonewheel organ for the most demanding musician. It's elegant and easy Organs and synthesizers can, and usually do, have more than one manual; most home instruments have two manuals, while most larger organs have two or three. Hammond Skx Dual Manual Organ Features: · Octave switching lets you independently raise or lower the upper and lower manual's range by 1 octave · Pedal Sustain Hammond SKX Dual Manual Organ; AC Adaptor AD3-1250-2P. The SKX Stage Keyboard – the smallest, lightest, full-featured dual-manual in the company's history.
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